Friday Firsts: First Paragraph of IVA

Iva rose and dressed quickly. She drew back the heavy, paisley patterned curtains to let the morning light in. The sun, risen from its own slumber, won the battle and shone brightly through her eastern facing window. Iva smiled at the yellow circle, curtsied at its sight, bidding it good morning. Walking through the dustContinue reading “Friday Firsts: First Paragraph of IVA”

FICTITIOUS FRIDAY : A Little bit of Vivian

Below is a paragraph from the novel I am writing. I hope you enjoy it! Vivian sat impatiently behind the wheel as her mom adjusted the bags of yarn in the back seat as if they were as fragile as glass. Vivian’s fingers tapped on the steering wheel with anxious energy. Anticipation surged within herContinue reading “FICTITIOUS FRIDAY : A Little bit of Vivian”