The world went silent in an instant. The horns of impatient and angry taxi drivers, even in the midnight hour, screamed with deafening silence. The neon lights vibrated with muted lips. “How much did I drink?”Clara asked herself, but no noise came from  her smudged, ruby red lips. She looked down each direction of theContinue reading “A DEATHLY SILENCE”


Weekend Writing Prompt #266: This weekend your challenge is to write a poem or a piece of prose in exactly 74 words using the word “Flippant” Forgive me for the weird pingback, but my computer was giving me a hard time and this was the best I could do. It would seem odd to everyoneContinue reading “WEEKEND WRITING PROMPT: Flippant (79 Words)”

WEEKEND WRITING PROMPT: Flummox (42 words)

Below is this Weekend Writing Prompt #247, with 42 words using FLUMMOX. Thanks to Sammi Cox for posting this challenge sammiscribbles.wordpress.com/2022/02/05/weekend-writing-prompt-247-flummox/ His favorite coffee mug sat beside the ceramic coaster, but not on it. Remnants of red lipstick graced the edge. He scratched his head, flummoxed. He closed his heavy eyes, searching his memories, makingContinue reading “WEEKEND WRITING PROMPT: Flummox (42 words)”

45 Word Writing Prompt: Goodnight

Below is a piece for a Weekend Writing Prompt. It had to be 45 words and use the word “Goodnight”. Thanks to Sammi Cox for posting this challenge. See challenge at https://sammiscribbles.wordpress.com/2022/01/01/weekend-writing-prompt-242-goodnight/ Enjoy! Winter blows its icy fierce breath. The fireplace counters with crackling warm intentions. She pulls the crocheted afghan tighter around her shoulders.Continue reading “45 Word Writing Prompt: Goodnight”

TBT 2020- Halloween Writing Prompt: Bats in the Belfry (50 Words)

Bats in the Belfry, Hanging and waiting for the bells to chime the midnight hour. On their peal, they will fly out into the darkness, disrupting the October night sky. Silhouettes against the full moon, Embracing their calling, they loom. They own the time until the bells call them home.

Throwback Thursday: CRAZY

I am not crazy. I can’t be. Would a crazy person be able to define the word itself? No, I am not crazy, but this . . . this defies all logic. No matter how hard I try, what is happening in this house is beyond explanation and that is exceedingly uncomfortable to me. NoteContinue reading “Throwback Thursday: CRAZY”